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IGEL Ready: Five Ways to Make Waves at IGEL DISRUPT 2024 Miami

IGEL Ready: Five Ways to Make Waves at IGEL DISRUPT 2024 Miami

IGEL DISRUPT 2024 in Miami is right around the corner, where the dynamic IGEL Ready ecosystem will be on full display.

Whether you’re already an IGEL Ready partner or aspiring to become one, this event is your gateway to unlocking exciting opportunities and accelerating your journey with IGEL Ready in 2024. The IGEL Ready program is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our partners, and we have some exciting things planned in 2024 that we will share with you at the event.

    1. Network with several IGEL Ready partners exhibiting at IGEL DISRUPT
      Over 25 IGEL Ready partners will sponsor and showcase their solutions at the show. From industry giants like HP, Lenovo, and LG to tech innovators such as Citrix, Microsoft, and VMware by Broadcom, the event covers a spectrum of endpoints, VDI, security, and DEX solutions. Attend breakout sessions or explore exhibitor booths to network with industry peers or discover technologies tailored to your business needs. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the IGEL Ready partners who are sponsoring  – please view the complete list here.


    1. Attend the exclusive IGEL Ready Summit
      Kick off the week with an exclusive insider event tailored for our IGEL Ready family. Gain invaluable insights into our company strategies and 2024 plans directly from IGEL executives. This is your chance to align strategies, explore new opportunities, and deepen our partnership to serve our customers better. Reserve your seat now to be part of this invaluable session. Register here.


    1. Dive into the all new IGEL Ready Developer Program
      Discover the all-new IGEL Ready Developer Program designed for independent software vendors (ISVs) keen on building applications for IGEL OS12. Learn about the program’s benefits, including extensive co-marketing opportunities and the chance to feature your app in the IGEL App Portal. Join our breakout session on April 30th at 2 pm to explore how you can leverage this program for maximum impact.


    1. Apply for IGEL Ready awards and get celebrated
      Celebrate excellence and innovation within the IGEL Ready community by applying for the prestigious IGEL Ready Partner of the Year Awards. Recognizing partners demonstrating outstanding customer focus, active engagement, and global success, these awards are your chance to shine on a global stage. Applications are open until April 15, 2024, with winners announced during the IGEL DISRUPT 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity to be celebrated – apply now!


  1. Connect with the IGEL Ready team
    Our dedicated IGEL Ready team is here to support you. Whether you’re seeking guidance, sharing feedback, or exploring collaboration opportunities, we’re available for personalized discussions to help you maximize our partnership for mutual success in 2024 and beyond.

IGEL DISRUPT 2024 promises to be an event of unparalleled opportunities. We eagerly anticipate meeting you there to ignite meaningful conversations and drive impactful collaborations. Don’t miss out – secure your spot today!

For more information on the IGEL Ready program, please visit the IGEL Ready Showcase or contact the IGEL Ready team at [email protected].

Divya Saggar

Director of IGEL Ready, IGEL
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