VISUALIZE: How do you make your goals a reality?
For years I’ve benefited from the power of visualization. Over and again, I have seen how my visualizations have resulted in materializing the life, career and value outcomes I envision. It’s not to say that it replaces detailed planning or hard work – on the contrary. It can lead to develop the plans and focused efforts that will empower you to achieve your goals. Even materialize things you didn’t think possible.
Reaching My Potential
As a child in northern California in the 70s and 80s, I grew up near Mendocino, famous for its hippy communes, deep in the redwoods, where I was surrounded by independent thinkers. Even though my parents were devoted schoolteachers, I wasn’t too interested in school or grades. I favored the outdoors and sports. To the dismay of my parents, I ended 7th grade with a report card full of “Cs,” and some unsavory, hand-written comments from teachers.
“Not reaching his potential,” was one of the nicer sentiments. It was on a summer night in June that my Dad sat me down for a “talk.” He took me into his study, an old, converted woodshed, and pulled out a blank report card. It was the same design as the one that had just arrived with the poor grades. He started filling it out with my name and the courses I would take that next fall semester. Next to each class he put in an “A” in every box. He put the report card into an old metal picture frame and handed it to me. I put that frame on my dresser and stared at it every day.
I visualized it, internalized it, and dreamed about it. It was the first thing I saw every morning, and the last thing I saw at night when I went to bed. That summer, something clicked.
When school started that fall, worked harder. I stopped smarting off and messing around. I made flash cards and studied them on the long car rides to school. In class I was engaged and focused. I kept visualizing “As.” When my report card arrived that winter, it matched the one in the frame. I proudly took it and slid it into the frame and left it there. By the end of the year, it was joined by a plaque that I was given for “most improved student.” I materialized what I had visualized.
Visualization is a Journey
This event in my life has transformed how I approach all my goals. It was the beginning of a perspective of success that I have applied throughout my life and career. When it comes to business goals, I’m a firm believer that if you can visualize success, good things will follow. See more here:
Give you another example: five years ago, I visualized that my company, IGEL, a little-known German thin client manufacturer could transform into a successful software company on the strength of the Operating System in IGEL’s hardware. Today, we’re the leader in this space. Throughout this journey I had a tagline: BELIEVE.
How does this visualization work? It’s about taking the next right step. You have to have a plan, a set of instructions. And just know that somedays it won’t work. You’ll get your ass whipped. But you get up the next day, reset and continue to execute. It requires follow through and perseverance. But taking the time to imagine and internalize what you want to accomplish in your world will help you achieve your goals.
What are you visualizing in 2022? Whatever it is, I wish you great success.